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why plant Trees?

Admin (12) (12)

Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) is building up in our atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles.rees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.Average temperatures in Los Angeles have risen 6 °F in the last 50 years as tree coverage has declined and the number of heat-absorbing roads and buildings has increased. Trees cool the city by up to 10 °F, by shading our homes and streets, breaking up urban “heat islands” and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.

Grow More Trees

Admin (12) (12)

Trees improve your health. While spending quality time with trees can improve your immune system, blood pressure levels, and can even protect you from heart problems.Trees provide scenic beauty. Just as the Earth is full of trees, our hearts feel so soothing looking at them. Many people travel to such landscapes where trees are abundant. Trees make the world a beautiful place to live in.I will convey messages to people regarding the importance of trees. I will act as a responsible citizen and help in the conservation of trees.Dear wood-cutters, Don't cut the trees. Remember that the trees are so beneficial to us. Remember if you cut trees the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce. Remember if you cut trees there is a possibility of facing food scarcity. Keep in mind that deforestation can lead to reduce in rain levels. If there is no rain, there will be no irrigation, which can lead to less harvestment. Remember that the trees are shelter to many birds and animals. If we cut trees where will they find shelter in? I will save trees for me and the future generation.


Admin (12) (12)

Lisa Dea, CPA, CA has 25 years of experience in the finance, securities, and accounting fields. Ms. Dea has held the position as CFO at several TSX, TSXV, CSE and ASX listed companies where she was responsible for corporate strategy, all aspects of finance and legal, debt and capital market activities, managing banking relationships with US, Canadian and International banks, internal and external public reporting, financial controls, processes, and corporate governance. Ms. Dea has been instrumental in helping several companies grow from the development stage to large-scale commercial operations. Previous to her time in industry, Ms. Dea spent eleven years at Deloitte & Touche LLP, achieving the position of Senior Manager. Ms. Dea obtained her Chartered Professional Accountants designation in 1997 and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia.

Top most Amazing Trees

Admin (12) (12)

This tree resembles a masterpiece. The tree's brilliant examples are an aftereffect of segments of bark shedding at various occasions during the year. It begins a light earthy color and afterward a drove green, which transforms into dull green, blue, pink, red-purple, orange, and each shade of the rainbow. This isn't the solitary thing that is exceptionally fascinating about this tree; the rainbow eucalyptus is the lone eucalyptus tree native toward the Northern Hemisphere. Filling in the Philippines, New Guinea, and the timberland, they get a great deal of downpour. It's additionally one of the quickest developing trees at more than three feet each year, and its trunk can get enormous, up to a width of six feet. I'm almost certain this tree would make Judy Garland think to herself, "What a great world.

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